It’s not too late to become an entrepreneur

It is never too late they say! According to Forbes: Older Entrepreneurs Outperform Younger Founders—Shattering Ageism. On Linkedin, Elizabeth White, writes about the “The rise of older entrepreneur” Older Entrepreneurs Outperform Younger Founders—Shattering Ageism The rise of older entrepreneurs: Why it’s never too late to start your own business

Ikaria, the island of old age and where Dementia is rare

Dan Buettner has been reporting for the last decade on the Blue Zones countries and why many people who live in these countries reach 100 years and more. Ikaria, a Greek Island, has been identified as one of these Blue Zones, and interestingly is a place where diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia are extremely […]

Reasons why we should drink more water as we age 

Many of us are guilty of not drinking enough water but as we age it becomes even more important that we drink lots of water. Some reasons: As You Get Older, You Need to Drink More Water. Here’s Why The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Natural ways to help to reduce blood pressure

I had to visit the doctor this week to get a bit of WOF done. I was worried that my blood pressure would be through the roof as prior to my appointment I was racing around paddocks and the garden trying to get pigs and sheep where they were meant to be and removing stowaway […]

Critter Corner – Homemade Broth

Once a week I make a huge pot of broth for my Border Collies. It only lasts a few days as I have so many dogs. My daughter makes a similar brew for her one Border Collie and then freezes into individual servings. Here is what we throw into the slow cooker: 2 chicken frames, […]

Loneliness and Social Isolation Linked to Serious Health Conditions

Research shows us that loneliness can increase the risk of serious health conditions and we know from the Blue Zone countries that generally the older folk live long and very social lives: Loneliness and Social Isolation Linked to Serious Health Conditions Social isolation, loneliness in older people pose health risks Social isolation […]

Climate Change Has Some Retirees Rethinking Where to Live

Interesting reading on how climate change is impacting on where retirees are opting to live. The articles are mainly about the USA. But it does get you thinking in terms of New Zealand. Currently, New Zealand is ranked quite high as a country that might survive climate change. We have found some articles both from […]

Unexpected Benefits of Climbing that Will Amaze Seniors!

Climbing big hills or mountains may not be on your bucket list. But perhaps this needs reconsideration? This interesting article  from lists 4 health benefits: Our thanks to Unexpected Benefits of Climbing that Will Amaze Seniors! Last updated Jul 3, 2022 1,427 11 In recent years, we see many seniors who, despite suffering from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, […]

Uncommon Superfoods

Move over Kale! There are some great little known foods full of goodness that are gaining recognition: Top 5 Most Uncommon Superfoods 10 rare superfoods you have never of 8 Uncommon Super Foods You Should Eat Every Week

Health Benefits of Bee Products

We all know how important bees are for the planet’s health and wealth by pollenating all the gardens and crops. Their giving seems never ending. Actual bee products such as honey, propolis and royal jelly have a raft of health benefits. We explore a few: Honey, Propolis, and Royal Jelly: A Comprehensive Review of Their […]