When the rain sets in

Winter arrives on June 1st. Mostly, in New Zealand we can get outside to walk, cycle, or run even in the winter, but if the heavy rain and wind set in for a few days (or snow if you are in the South) sometimes you have to come up with alternative options to keep fit. […]

Seniors@Work leading the older employee trend

https://seniorsatwork.nz/  As the Government announces it will invest in helping older people into the workforce, it has been beaten to the punch by Ian Fraser whose company, Seniors@work, has just completed its third year of operation. The trend towards employing older people is one we can expect to increase. Among the reasons for this expectation […]

Vitamins vs Minerals and which ones are important for older adults

Just to remind our readers the difference between a mineral and a vitamin. We know you know this but it is a bit like when someone asks you to send an email again so it is at the top of their inbox! Vitamins are organic compounds obtained from plants and animals, whereas minerals are inorganic […]

What is a Grandinfluencer? And the benefits of social media as we get older

 A grandinfluencer or graninfluencer is defined (according to Collins) as a senior citizen who is an influencer on social media! These grandinfluencers are holding their own with their younger counterparts in terms of  numbers of followers etc. on the various social platforms. And love it or hate it (I think most of us fall into both categories!), […]

Hugging our way to better health?

In a recent issue we ran a story on the book titled “The Rabbit Effect.” The article covered an accidental discovery of how regular affection given to some lab rabbits, influenced their longer lives over other rabbits in the same labs who had no such regular attention. Well, the evidence is mounting in favour of […]

Why Cucumbers are Cool

Cucumber’s many benefits (Thanks to Kathleen M. Zelman of Web MD) Hydration The average adult takes in about 12 cups of water every day. Around a quarter of that typically comes from food. Cucumbers are an excellent source. Each one is about 95% water. That’s important because your cells need enough water to work right. Without […]